Saturday, April 18, 2009

Lake Makawansbank

This is one of the pictures taken from a moving car of Makawansbank, I found it very therapeutic and peaceful........
I have irrevocably named it Lake Makawansbank, hope I won't get into trouble with the owners for that.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Free State

We spent the Easter Weekend at my inlaws in the Free State.

Whilst we were there we decided to visit a place called Makawansbank, a farm where my husband was born.
The new owners are not cultivating the land but I was amazed at the unspoilt beauty of it.
A beautiful place for rushed Gautengers like ourselves to go to and reconnect with Mother Nature and get in touch with God. I will post a couple of pictures later, when my internet access is not moving at a snail's paces like it is right now.