I am currently reading "The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho for the second time.
And as I read along, I started thinking about my own life at this point in time.
I have a day job that is totally different to what I enjoy doing.
I am an art enthusiast, I love bead embroidery, decoupage, writing and gardening.
We all have our dreams and the power to dream big as Paulo Coelho so eloquently says in "The Alchemist".
From earlier on in our childhood, we know our destiny but as the years go by, fear suppresses our dreams.
Fear of failure or fear of success itself.
It it safer for us to retreat back into our safe cocoon e.g. our day jobs that we do not like but stay on because it pays the bills (I also falls within this category)
We make just enough to get on by, but this is not always enough for us to live our dreams, to fulfill our purpose or destiny on earth.
Why? Because it is safer to stick to the known and predictable. As I write this, I ask myself this question.
"Am I ready to take a giant leap and see where I land?"
"Am I ready to leave my job and follow my dreams?"
I think God placed me in my current day job for a reason, to push me in the right direction and show me that I can do more.
My day job is to manage customer complaints, you will agree that it is not one of the most exciting jobs in the world but I am good at it even though I am not exactly thrilled to do it.
My job makes me step out of my comfort zone and it is because of this very reason that I even want to do better, to do more and realise my passion and make a difference.
I do not want to be 50 or 60 years old and wish that I can another opportunity to live my life over again.
I want to look back and go: "Wow, my life has been worth living!"
Are you also in the same situation as I am ? Do you somethimes feel the way I do?